Beware the “Diagnostics”
By Norman Taylor & Associates
September 4, 2009
News, Uncategorized
The necessity for protecting consumers with the lemon law continues to be demonstrated—and not just in the US. China has had an auto recall system in place since 2004, and the system now has to be utilized in the recall of nearly 700,000 Toyota passenger cars with defects in their electric window systems. The more
Read MoreLemon Law and the Differing Warranties
By Norman Taylor & Associates
August 31, 2009
Honda has just expanded a recall from last year, dealing with a potentially deadly airbag defect—once again illustrating the continuing need for the lemon law. Nearly half a million vehicles have been added to the recall, the models now including 2001-2002 Honda Accord, the 2001 Civic, and the 2002-2003 Acura TL. Owners are being more
Read MoreCash for Clunkers- Let the Buyer Beware
By Norman Taylor & Associates
August 21, 2009
Consumer advocates have called upon the Department of Transportation to investigate two scams they allege are being perpetrated by car dealers participating in the Car Allowance Rebate System, better known as Cash for Clunkers. Spokespersons for two groups, Consumer Action and Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, claim that some dealers are making customers more
Read MoreLemon Law and the Vehicle Business
By Norman Taylor & Associates
August 12, 2009
A consumer recently wrote into the Consumer Action section of the Press of Atlantic City, New Jersey web site, complaining that they had purchased a 12-year old vehicle, and had paid an additional $1,000 for a 1-year warranty. When a defect arose on the vehicle, however, the dealership refused to honor the warranty because more
Read MoreThe Perfect Service Visit- Part 2
By Norman Taylor & Associates
July 31, 2009
Lemon Law
What is a “perfect” service visit for a consumer? You really want to have your vehicle fixed so it stays fixed. Failing that, there are some things you should know that will make it easier for a lemon law attorney to help you if the technicians can’t solve your difficulties. When a consumer takes more
Read MoreCheck Your Buyer’s Guide
By Norman Taylor & Associates
July 17, 2009
The state of Pennsylvania recently joined the 36 other states in objecting to the General Motors bankruptcy case. In a similar manner to other state actions, Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett has stated that state officials have serious concerns about consumer and business rights, ranging from lemon law claims and warranties to state laws more
Read MoreThe Perfect Service Visit- Part 1
By Norman Taylor & Associates
July 16, 2009
Lemon Law
When you buy a new car your dream is that the warranty booklet will sit quietly in the glove compartment for as long as you own the car and you’ll never need anything other than basic maintenance. At the opposite extreme, your worst nightmare is that you’ll be stuck with a lemon and no more
Read MoreTrade In Instead of a Buy Back?
By Norman Taylor & Associates
July 10, 2009
Lemon laws continue to make the headlines. Just this week, Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray announced that the new, restructured General Motors has agreed to, among other items, accept lemon law claims without caps on damages or fees. The agreements came on the heels of four limited objections filed by the AG with the more
Read MoreBankruptcy Court Ensures New GM Will Follow State Lemon Laws
By Norman Taylor & Associates
July 9, 2009
Lemon Law
A revision to the bankruptcy agreement under which a “new GM” will acquire most of the assets of the existing corporation has been amended to ensure that GM consumers will continue to have rights under state lemon laws. Changes were made to the agreement at the urging of state attorneys general who felt that more
Read MoreLemon Cars and Cash for Guzzlers
By Norman Taylor & Associates
June 23, 2009
Lemon Law, Uncategorized
Congress has just passed a bill that would give consumers cash vouchers between $3,500 and $4,500 in exchange for trading in their existing gas guzzlers for newer, more fuel-efficient vehicles. The bill does not specifically mention your rights under the California lemon law or federal lemon laws, but your protection as a consumer is more
Read MoreDealers ‘Slicing and Dicing’ a Defect
By Norman Taylor & Associates
June 18, 2009
Lemon laws continue to be needed today—and continue to be strengthened in many states. In one example, the state of New Jersey has just enhanced their own lemon laws, which extends the period of vehicle warranty coverage from 18,000 to 24,000 miles. The improved laws will also make a significant distinction between the types more
Read MoreLemon Law Claims Post Chrysler & GM Chapter 11
By Norman Taylor & Associates
June 11, 2009
Lemon Law
Auto sales began a serious slide in the spring of 2008 and by the fall, several manufacturers were down as much as 30% from the prior year. What if anything will this mean to the consumers in their future lemon law claims? A hint of what may become the prevailing attitude amongst manufacturers happened more
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